Slideshow Dazzling - Project for Proshow Producer
Slideshow Dazzling - Project for Proshow Producer
Proshow Producer 6 | Author: mpp | jpg, mp4, wav | 129.88 MB
Easy to use the project created in Proshow Producer 6 Proshow Producer . Perfect for Valentine's Day, wedding slide show, romantic, Declaration of love, family photo albums, etc. Very easy to edit, replacing the normal files. The photo in the project is not included. You can also add text to the photo elements. sound file is included in the demo songs. All footages, glare, masks made by the author.
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Доброй ночи!
Огромная просьбa!!! Перезалейте, пожалуйста, этот проект for Proshow Producer.
Можно нa почту - loretty2008@yandex.ru
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