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        Videohive - Vertical Photo Vedeo Slideshow Reel - 56335299

        Videohive - Vertical Photo Vedeo Slideshow Reel - 56335299
        After Effects Version CC | 1080x1920 | No plugins required | 2.5 MB


        Vertical Photo Vedeo Slideshow Reel — control system allows you to create simply any educational-design style without touching a single animation key!

        100% animated AE Template
        Vertical Photo Vedeo Slideshow Reel is 100% animated? Each and every scene including the awesome premium color controls a fully responsive.

        Use it for academic Kinetic opener, academic slideshow about knowledge, studying reel, presentation of educational event.

        Quickly and easily create your next Colorful academic video

        Works with pedagogical image or instructional video

        100% After Effects educational template

        Show your main futures. Scenes with photo, video, people, devices and etc.

        Used pedagogic photos are not included (CC0 License)

        Variable duration of each learning slide from 3 to 300 seconds

        Graphic Elements. We made the maximum variations of graphical elements that can be required

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