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        Videohive - Vintage Boombox with Cassette Tape - 56108345

        Videohive - Vintage Boombox with Cassette Tape - 56108345
        After Effects Version CC | 1920x1080 | No plugins required | 65.1 MB


        • Take a trip down memory lane with this vintage boombox featuring a classic cassette tape. If you’re an avid collector of audio collectibles, you’ll love this blast from the past. The cassette collection on display is a true treasure trove for anyone who grew up listening to music on a tape deck. From the nostalgic design to the iconic hiss of the tape, this vintage boombox is a true gem. Whether you’re looking to relive fond memories or simply appreciate the beauty of retro technology, this video is sure to delight. So sit back, relax, and get ready to rewind back to the good old days. • 100% After Effects • FullHD 1920×1080 and 4K • After Effects CC or higher • Animation 27 seconds • 1 Place for Logo • 7 places for Texts • 2 places for photos or videos • No plugins required • Easy Customize • Fast Render • video tutorial
        music is not included’

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