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        Aescripts Mask Prompter

        Aescripts Mask Prompter
        Version CC 2022 and higher | File Size 3.9 MB


        Mask Prompter is the new way of creating mattes. Simply use points and boxes to detect and generate black-white mattes and alpha channels for objects in your footage.

        Simple workflow

        The matting workflow is super simple. Specify points and rectangles on/around the object. Mask Prompter will create a matte from your prompt. This allows
        for fine-grained selection, refinement and easy tracking.


        We applied some custom extensions to the underlying AI – therefore you’ll get interactive prompting. Note: The performance will be dependent on your hardware.

        Stable on video!

        It’s very easy to get consistent results on video. The rivers matte on the right was created with a single point placed on the river!

        Multiple output modes

        Output your mattes as overlays for visualization, as a black-white matte or as content with transparent alpha channel.
        This allows for versatile integration in your workflow and combination with other effects.

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