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        Photo Wall Gallery 5909183 - Project for After Effects (Videohive)

        Photo Wall Gallery 5909183 - Project for After Effects (Videohive)
        After Effects CS5, CS5.5, CS6 | 1920x1080 | mov, Tutorials | Element 3D | 202 mb

        The Photo Wall Gallery is an After Effects template created with Element 3D. This means that you will have full camera control, and can move the camera in any angle you want.

        The Wall Gallery is perfect for all your wedding photo’s. But it can also be used for other special events like anniversaries, birthdays, parties, or promoting you portfolio. This template has five different scenes, and each scene has four different textures for the photo frames. It is also possible to choose from seven different wall textures and change the colors. Each scene has a camera animation, but you can freely change this and simply add you own animation. Almost everything about the scene can be changed (only the frames are static, and cannot be moved)

        This project is made in After Effects CS5 and has 5 different scenes.

        Some of the key features are:
        Five different scenes setups.
        Choose from four different frame textures.
        Choose from seven different wall textures.
        Full camera control
        Full HD
        Created with Element 3D
        Includes video tutorial
        Very easy to customize
        The Music is not included

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