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        VideoHive Yearbook 23736317

        VideoHive Yearbook 23736317
        CC 2018, CC 2017 | 3640x1080 | No plugins required | 128mb


        Year Book is an amazing After Effects template that allows you can showcase your yearlong events and achievements. It’s so easy to use, simply edit the text, adjust the colors, drag and drop in your new media and hit render. Impress your audience with this cool looking and creatively animated AE template. Available in both of our most popular sizes 4K and HD.

        Use the power of the control panel to change all colors in one click.

        Expand each scene as you need and edit easily and fast.

        This atmospheric organic looking file will make your message to stead up.

        Use them also for intros or for TV opener, or for your latest presentation.

        Works perfectly also for church messages and invitations.

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